
How Long Do Antacids Last

Antacids neutralise the acrid made past your stomach. They are commonly used in conditions where it is helpful to neutralise the acrid made in the stomach. For case, for acrid reflux which causes heartburn. Nearly people who take antacids do non develop any side-effects.

Antacids are a group (class) of medicines which aid to neutralise the acrid content of your tum. Antacids include aluminium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate and magnesium trisilicate. These come in various make names and are available every bit tablets and liquids.

Some antacids are combined with another medicine chosen simeticone which helps to reduce wind (flatulence).

Another group of medicines called alginates are found in some brands of antacid medication. Alginates are added to assistance protect the lining of the gullet (oesophagus) from stomach acid. Alginates include sodium alginate and alginic acid. They are nowadays in antacid medications with various make names.

What conditions are antacids used to treat?

Antacids may be used:

  • To reduce the symptoms of acid reflux which may crusade heartburn or inflammation of the gullet (oesophagitis). These atmospheric condition are sometimes chosen gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).
  • To relieve some of the symptoms caused past ulcers in the stomach and function of the gut called the duodenum.
  • In other conditions where it is helpful to neutralise tum acrid. For case, for occasional bouts of indigestion (dyspepsia).

Before the discovery of other more modern medicines, antacids were commonly used for the above weather condition. They were too used to help heal ulcers in the tum and duodenum.

Medicines called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2-receptor antagonists (commonly chosen H2 blockers) are now more widely used for these atmospheric condition. They are much more effective than antacids. Unlike antacids, which simply neutralise the acid for a short period, these modernistic medicines work past reducing the amount of acid made past the stomach.

Annotation: there have been recent studies which have questioned whether long-term use of PPIs may exist linked to breadbasket cancer. More studies are needed. Therefore, current advice is that PPIs should exist taken at the lowest dose, for the shortest length of time possible. Some people may exist able to take them occasionally rather than on a daily basis. However, if you find that other medicines don't assist and you have persistent symptoms, advice is to carry on taking PPI medication for as long as necessary.

All the same, antacids still have a place. They are most normally used to provide quick relief of symptoms caused by tummy acid - in particular, in people who take occasional bouts of mild dyspepsia or heartburn.

Upper gastrointestinal tract and acid

Upper GI Tract and acid

Your stomach normally produces acid to assistance with the digestion of food and to kill germs (leaner). This acid is corrosive so your body produces a natural mucous barrier which protects the lining of the stomach from being worn away (eroded).

In some people this bulwark may have broken down assuasive the acrid to impairment the stomach, causing an ulcer. In others at that place may be a problem with the muscular band at the tiptop of the breadbasket (the sphincter) that keeps the stomach tightly airtight. This may allow the acrid to escape and irritate the gullet (oesophagus). This is called acrid reflux, which tin cause heartburn and/or inflammation of the gullet (oesophagitis).

Antacids work by counteracting (neutralising) the acrid in your breadbasket. They do this because the chemicals in antacids are bases (alkalis) which are the opposite of acids. A reaction between an acid and base is chosen neutralisation. This neutralisation makes the tummy contents less corrosive. This can assist to relieve the pain associated with ulcers and the burning sensation in acrid reflux.

When antacids work on stomach acid, they can produce gas which may cause wind (flatulence). Simeticone helps to cease this foaming upshot and may sometimes be included within antacid medications.

Many of the common antacids also include alginates. Near alginates work by forming a gel which floats on top of the tummy contents. The gel acts as a protective barrier, preventing stomach acid from irritating the oesophagus.

You can purchase most brands of antacids at pharmacies, or you may obtain them on prescription.

Antacids are frequently taken to salve symptoms or when symptoms are expected. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise yous of the dose needed and how oft you should take it. Read the leaflet that comes with your particular make for further information.

Generally antacids provide quick relief for issues such equally heartburn caused by reflux. However, the relief of symptoms may simply be brusque-lived.

Your physician may prescribe an antacid to take on standby so that you only take it to relieve your symptoms when they occur, rather than every day. Read the leaflet that comes with your particular brand for farther information.

A full list of people who should not take antacids is included with the information leaflet that comes in the medicine packet. If you are prescribed or buy an antacid, read this to be sure y'all are safety to take it.

Most people who take an antacid do not accept whatsoever side-effects. However, side-effects occur in a modest number of users. The most mutual are diarrhoea, constipation and belching.

Magnesium-containing antacids tend to exist laxative whereas aluminium-containing antacids tend to be constipating. Antacids containing both magnesium and aluminium may balance out these furnishings then minimise whatever possible side-effects of diarrhoea or constipation.

For a total list of all the side-effects and possible interactions associated with your medicine, consult the leaflet that comes with your medication.

If you are taking antacids, you should avoid taking them at the same time every bit yous take other medication. This is because antacids tin bear upon how well other medication is absorbed.

How to use the Yellowish Card Scheme

If you remember you take had a side-issue to one of your medicines you lot can report this on the Yellow Card Scheme. You can do this online at world wide

The Yellow Card Scheme is used to make pharmacists, doctors and nurses aware of whatever new side-effects that medicines or whatever other healthcare products may take caused. If you wish to written report a side-effect, you lot will need to provide bones information most:

  • The side-effect.
  • The proper noun of the medicine which you think caused it.
  • The person who had the side-issue.
  • Your contact details as the reporter of the side-effect.

Information technology is helpful if you have your medication - and/or the leaflet that came with it - with you while you make full out the report.

Yous should consult your medico if your symptoms worsen, or if you experience any of the post-obit problems which tin indicate a serious gut disorder:

  • Bringing upward (vomiting) blood. This may be obviously fresh blood but altered blood in vomit tin can look like footing coffee. Doctors telephone call this coffee-ground vomit.
  • Blood in your stools (faeces). This may be obvious blood, or information technology may just make your stools blackness.
  • Unintentional weight loss.
  • Difficulty swallowing, including food getting stuck in the gullet (oesophagus).
  • Persistent tummy (intestinal) pain or persistent vomiting.


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