One question many people ask is how long does it take to reverse and heal a fatty liver?

Days, weeks, months?

The truth is that fatty liver is often caused by many years of poor diet and living in a toxic, stressed-out, chemical-filled environment.

Obviously, if that's the case, you aren't going to undo your damage overnight.

There are basically four grades of fatty liver:

Grade 1: Otherwise known as simple or Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), this is what most people are diagnosed with. Grade 1 is where excess fat builds up within your liver cells, usually around 5% by weight. The good news is that NAFLD is almost always reversible.

Grade 2: Approximately 10% of all fatty liver cases progress to this level. It's medically referred to as Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). If you are at Grade 2, it means there is already some scarring of your liver. The good news is that NASH is often reversible, but because of the scarring, your liver may never return to 100% functionality. That means you need to be very careful about what you eat, drink, and any toxins you are exposed to.

Grade 3: Over time, if left untreated, your fatty liver will eventually progress to Grade 3, which indicates serious issues, including low functionality, cirrhosis or fibrosis. At this point, you probably have multiple symptoms, including jaundice, abdominal pain, poor vision, weakness, and inflammation.

Grade 4: This is the point where the liver is beyond repair, and you may even need a liver transplant. Of course there are people who come back from this with good diet and a healthy lifestyle, but those cases are rare. Grade 4 is generally considered catastrophic since transplants are dangerous, expensive, and the long-term survival rate is quite low.

What's The Recovery Time?

The recovery time is based on your level of damage, and how willing you are to abstain from alcohol, sugar, and processed foods while you are healing. The times below should be considered minimums…

  • Recovery time for Grade 1: 3 – 6 months
  • Recovery time for Grade 2: 6 – 12 months
  • Recovery time for Grade 3: 1 – 2 years
  • Recovery time for Grade 4: 2 – 3 years, possible liver transplant

Of course, if you continue to damage your liver with poor lifestyle habits, you may never fully recover. Your liver can rebuild itself, but you need to do your part.

Click here for a list of foods to avoid.

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